letter from FCDO to ABCCI
letter from FCDO to the Chamber in response to our request to support for the vaccines

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office confirms support for ABCCI request to support with vaccines for the Balkans

The Chamber has, since January 2021, informed and worked to increase awareness on the lack of vaccines for the Balkans.

The Chamber believes that in order for the economy to bounce back there is a need for international vaccination roll out as simultaneously as possible. While the Chambers has also noticed that many of the governments from the Balkan region were not making any significant progress and got tangled into a war of words on who and how they had lobbied, while also not providing transparency information.

We are happy to see the quick and detailed response by the UK government as well as their great investment of 548 million GBP in support of the vaccine for developing countries.

3 March 2021

You can read the letter here in


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