Annual Christmas Event

21 December 2017 – 21 Dhjetor 2017

London, UK

Dear Friends and Collages,

Lord Watson, on behalf of the Albanian British Chamber of Commerce and Industry invited you to join us, British companies and investors and your colleagues at the Annual Christmas Luncheon on 21stDecember 2017 in Victoria London.

This is the last event of 2017 for the Chamber and it is the most enjoyable one. You will have a chance to meet new possible business partners, network and find investment or set up your company in UKwhile you will be experiencing London like never before. Senior executives from companies across major industries will gather to celebrate.

We will start the 21 early by visiting one of the biggest transportation of city centers the multifunctional center of Victoria. We will follow with a trip on Thames River and a late breakfast early lunch while we pass by the many wonders of London. Then the day will be continuing with a coffee at the British Parliament, a meeting with some very innovative companies which might be your next partner and to celebrate together at the early evening for a great year and more to come.

Të nderuar miq dhe kolegë,
Ju njoftojmë se Lord Watson ju ka ftuar në emër të Dhomës së Tregtisë dhe Industrise Shqiperi-Britani e Madhe t’i bashkoheni kolegeve, miqve tuaj ne Londer per te festuar festat e fundvitit.
Ky eshte aktiviteti permbylles per 2017 dhe nje nder me te medhenjt. Aty ju mund te nisni bashkepunime te reja, gjeni partnere te mundshem apo investitor qe mund te jene te interesuar per punen tuaj pse jo edhe te vendosni te hapni degen tuaj ne Britani, te gjitha keto nderkohe qe ju do te shijoni Londren ne kete sezon festash. Pjesemarresit jane drejtues kompanish ng ate gjithe industrite dhe qe festojme sebashku.

21 Dhjetori do te filloje heret me nje vizite ne qendren gjigande, te ndertuar keto 5 vitet e fundit, ne zemer te Londres ne Viktoria nje transformim mbrenelenes. Pastaj udhetimi me anije, dhe dreka, perms Tamizit do shpalosi historit e reja dhe te vjetra te ketij kryeqyreti ku jane vendosur shpesh fatet e botes. Vizita per kafe ne Parlamentin Britanik do te shoqerohet me takim me disa inovacione shume interesante per bashkepunim me Shqiperine per tu permbyllur me festimet per arritjet e viti qe lame pas por per ato qe presim ne vitet ne vijim.

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