Support for Farming and Agribusiness in Albania

Supported by The Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Management and the Local Bank Credins, The Albanian British Chamber of Commerce and Industry has begun its tour of meetings with the Farmers around Albania, beginning in:

abcci_agroThe Chamber has a long and strong connection with the Agriculture and Food industry, starting in 2004 when Albanian products were first introduced in the UK’s biggest agriculture event. the Royal Agriculture Show.

The meetings aim to create a platform and to encourage producers to seek support on how to further develop their business in order to add value to their products and reach new markets. The Chamber will be happy to help with information and business plan developing in order for the producers to apply for various support available for the agriculture.

Albania is to benefit from IPARD worth some 71 Million Euro for 2016-2020, as announced by the representative of the European Union in Tirana, which will be met by government and other supporting programs to reach to an estimated 160 Million Euro.

Furthermore, the producers are benefiting and can still do so with the last call for proposal from the SARED project, which offers up to 65% project value as grands for equipment but also for packaging and marketing of the products.

Mrs Karapanço, the Director for SME in Credins Bank also participated in the meeting and will be taking part at all the set of events the Chamber is organising. The banks offered various soft loans which can prove very beneficial as there are no time limits and higher flexibility as well as the newly introduced agriculture insurance package. The bank has in years shown that is able to adjust and introduce new products in support of the market and client’s need

The Representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Management Mr Flamur Hysi addressed the participants with emphasises on the focus of the work of the Ministry which is to support the producers while working with the food chain in introducing appropriate standards and successfully certifying the produces.

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