Albanian telecommunications services includes fixed telephony and mobile telephony. The operator of fixed telephone is Albtelecom Sh.a., 76% of whose shares are owned by CETEL (Ankara), which is composed of one of the largest companies in Turkey, Calik Group 80% and TurkTelekom 20%. While the rest of the shares of 24% is owned by the Albanian government and other stakeholders.

 Fixed tariffs applied by Albtelecom Businesses Individuals
 Service Tariffs (ALL) Tariffs (ALL)
 Monthly subscription fee 1,920 530.4
 Instalation fee 4,800 4,800
 Transfer 0 0
 Businesses Individuals
   Tariffs (ALL/min) Tariffs (ALL/min)
 08:00-22:00 22:00-08:00 08:00-22:00 22:00-08:00
 Local Calls  4.68 3.90 3.00 1.92
 Albtelecom Network
 Within the region  4.68 3.90 3.60 3.00
 Between region  11.70 9.86 7.66 6.16
 National calls to other fixed alternative operators
 Local  4.68 3.90 3.60 3.00
 Within the region  7.80 6.24 5.38 4.68
 Between region  17.33 12.48 10.14 8.09
 Towards mobile operators  54.00 42.00 31.31 24.00
 International calls
 Zone 1  23.99 18.38 18.46 14.14
 Zone 2  58.62 44.57 45.10 34.28
 Zone 3  117.00 104.05 90.00 80.04
 Zone 4  156.00 117.00 120.00 90.00
 Zone 5  312.00 312.00 240.00 240.00
 Zone 6  720.00 720.00 720.00 720.00

Note: All the above prices have been updated according to data provided by Albtelecom by date. 14.08.2012 and do not include VAT.
Source: Albtelecom Sh.a.,

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