The Chamber has run a set of polls to quantify the effect of the pandemic via the way the business is changing in the new reality of the Covid restrictions.
In February 2021 the poll was aimed at finding out how much have companies used the online platforms to promote and sell their products. Due to Covid most companies had to close their doors making it impossible for customers to physically reach them. We tested the flexibility to adjust and improve your knowledge, train and acquire new talents.
The Poll, which you can still complete it herein at the link, aims at measuring how the approach and investment but the companies to the online selling platform and promotions. The methodology used is based on the indications, requests and advised seek by members and other companies in relations to training or/ and social media campaign managements. Such indications where then put together in a poll for companies in Albania and the region. It is important to emphasise that such polls help the chamber adjust and offer services and support in a timely manner too.
Here are some of the findings, for anyone wishing to know more, please write to us at,
103 participants

Nr of companies as per industry:
Construction 30%, Production 10%, Services 15%, Education institutions 10%, Banks and financial institution 5%, Hospitality industry 25%, Art and entertainment 0%, Beauty salons and care 5% and Transport 0%
The level of online sales before the Covid-19, for the participating companies
30% of companies had just under 10% of sales online
10% of companies had just under 20% of sales online
Less then 10% of companies had under 30% of sales from their online platform
8% had under 40% of their sales from online platform
no company 60% or more % of sales from their online platform
30% of participating companies did not have any sales from the online planforms

Currently the companies have confirmed that they have
Only 10% of companies do not trade online
30% of companies have almost 20% of their sales volume from online
And some 20% of companies which have reached 70% of their sales from online platforms.
The findings are used to support our training package to the business as well as the set of free webinars organized by the Chamber and its partners.
2 March 2021